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Unfortunately it is quite apparent that Nationalist Autism beats Class Solidarity in most cases. Even now we can see how the USSR has become a symbol for Russian nationalism (within Russia itself) more so than Communist ideology, with the Soviet's success being seen as Russia's greatness and achievement. Likewise with China, nowadays we have the KMT turning into CPC shills because the CPC made China great again (and they haven't bothered "exporting the revolution" to anyone else and couldn't care less about doing so).
most philosophical concepts are pretty simple and don't need 200 pages reiterating it in olde english

>everything has a cause, but what is the first cause, it is something that surpasses the need to have a cause, god probably
hmm, interesting

>you can't be 100% sure of anything, except maybe your own existence
I guess

>a posteriori: water feels wet
>a priori: 1+1=2
yeah so, one is experience, the other is abstract, got it

>thesis, antithesis synthesis
>literally the entire world revolves around things that have an opposite then combine with them
I can tell Kant and Marx are retarded now, thanks

>europeans lived in forests and so built tall cathedrals and reached for the skies, faustian
>arabs lived in desert caves and so built domes, magian
probably just confirmation bias
The rights to mints exclusively belonged to the King, in Germany, England and France. He could grant it to other entities though. I only know about Germany, the King (or Emperor) granted a very limited amount of cities the right to mint on his behalf and they created their own minted currency. I'm not to sure about how much mints were directly controlled by the King though. During the 14th century, the French King more or less had a monopoly on mints and rarely ever leased them out. With his monopoly the currency would often be debased or tampered with for benefit of the King. Since they could generate more nominal liquid capital to use without actually increasing resources, this worked well, and often helped fund the Crown's desires and expeditions but it couldn't work forever and had to be controlled, by the later 14th century it had largely been stopped from the rampant early 14th century use of debasements for quick cash.
the reality of husband girl need:

honestly, by the time you're 34 all the physical requirements go out the window
like secretly pray that he ll be taller than u
not an asshole would be nice. Someone who enjoys my company come from a good family
your countries population is nearly 10x the amount of aus, lets say for arguments sake the aussie pedos caught in indonesia represent a large percentage of total aussie pedos because indonesia is close for those cunts to travel to and abuse children. then times that number to 10 kids like you said. now lets do the same for indonesia, how many lolicandy admins would there be in indonesia? how many "world wide" members facilitated by these local admins and mods? i have no idea what youre playing at here its like an argument of whos shit stinks worse. pro tip, theyre both equally repugnant but somehow because of a handful of aussie pedos caught and blown up by local media we're somehow the worst in the region. at this point we should just resort to ad hominem attacks on each other, like how you guys are fucking muslim with child brides etc yet we're the monsters here
European culture is centered around GREEKS. They pay billions of euros to GREEKS. They killed hundreds of thousands of t*rks to free us GREEKS. They only like REAL architecture, a.k.a CLASSIC. They declare a GREEK MAN as the BEST military leader. They eat GREEK food. They draw the entirety of their civilization from GREEKS. They post sassy gifs about GREEKS. They watch football in worship of GREEKS. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of GREEKS beating WHITEY at playing sports. They use GREEK language like "AESTHETICS", "MECHANICS" and "NOSTALGIA". When you say "Algebra" they're not thinking about some irrelevant P*rsian goatfucker. They're thinking of the GREEK BVLL DIOPHANTOS. Their economy is completely controlled by GREEKS.They worship their european police force of soldiers filled with GREEKS. Their men sit around watching football while their women sit around watching documentaries about GREEK art. They learn from an early age about GREEKS like ARISTOTELES and PYTHAGORAS and PLATON and SOKRATES while attacking the n*rdcucks who DESTROYED their continent before GREEK KANGZ took over. Their theatre plays are based on GREEK stories and their restaurants are topped by the only GOOD FOOD, i.e GYROS. They send GREEKS to the OLYMPICS and celebrate when the GREEKS absolutely BTFO WHITEY. They are invested in GREEK culture to a point where when they hear "philosophy" they by default think of the ancient GREEKS and not of some mentally unstable fr*nchoid. They will tell you how much they hate GREEKS and how they don't like their money being given to GREEKS and how they only pretend to love GREEKS but the evidence speaks for itself in that Europe has always been and will be a continent of GREEK loving GREEKS.
I’m ringing up this one lady and she was shaking a lot, her voice sounded like she was scared, she was shivering in a way that if it was cold inside the shop, so my coworker was like does this complete the sub, and the lady looks at her with a freight red face and was like “oh it’s gonna be mikes way no onion with banana peppers” my coworker doesn’t do well with talking to people who are super anxious, and I seen my coworker get scared while listening to the lady, my coworker then replies “ oh ok I’m sorry about that” Lmao anyways I’m trynna fight the feeling by chatting with our guests about some fun times I’ve had recently or how their day is going but the feeling is still there so I’m trynna laugh it off but it’s coming across as uneasiness so the crazy time lasts forever lol, finally the rush ends I was able to get the phone number of the First Ladies I helped out, but I noticed that everyone ran away from the front line lol! Through the whole rush I was laughing and trynna fight the feeling, but yeah what would you call the combination of scared/jittery/anxiety/uneasiness
Protestantism developed in England in an insane way from which evolved the modern concept of racism; Catholics were considered to be an entirely different species from human beings (protestants, in the English mind), and that's just what they thought of the ENGLISH Catholics, let alone the Scots Catholics, Welsh Catholics, and God forbid, Irish Catholics. When they got to America and they saw the Indians, they didn't think "that's fuckable" or even "that's convertible to Christianity" they thought "Jesus Christ literal fucking demons", so they killed them pretty mercilessly whenever they had the opportunity. Not to say that every protestant treated Indians like shit or believed any of that, but the peculiar English brands of Protestantism, (which are not coincidentally to blame for modern day insane evangelical fundies in the USA) produced that sort of mentality, particularly when reinforced by the peer pressure of the community.
When the sun dies, no one will be there to care about your man made delineations known as "the UK" or "India", for example. No one will be there to care about what nation X did this one time. Everything you have ever known ever will be destroyed along with all other possibilities inherent in existence. Every planet, every start, every soul, every speck of dust. It will be annihilated, for this is the nature of existence. Then a new cosmos will be born, until it one day too is destroyed by the cyclical oblivion of Chaos. You have the possibility to transcend all this, every human on Earth does. The elites know this. They are planning for immortality and some have already achieved it. When the cosmos is reborn, they will be there. You won't. Your soul will be destroyed.

And yet, you prefer to spend your free time autistically screeching about haplogroups and BBC. I hate all of you.
>The Russian army is having an increasing problem with desertions, according to a leaked document which appears to show hundreds of men deserting from the Airborne Forces (VDV) since 1 February 2023.

> The document, which has been published by the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, is likely to come from a military prosecutor's office. It summarises criminal offences in the VDV over an unclear timeframe, probably starting from 1 February 2023.

> It states that there have been 325 cases of absence without leave (AWOL, or SOC in Russian), of which 228 men have been recovered and a further 97 are still wanted. Given that the VDV likely has around 40,000 men (45,000 pre-war), this may represent nearly 1% of the total.

>Case lists from Russian military courts have reportedly shown an increasing number of desertion cases being heard. The VDV has suffered heavy casualties during the war, so it's likely that this will have had an effect on its members' morale.

>It's also of interest that the document records 29 deaths during this period, 6 of them resulting from (presumably criminal) "incidents". Another four cases of inflicting serious bodily harm were recorded. These were likely the results of fights between soldiers.
Why are African wars so fucked up

>rebel leader with 5000 militia fighters
>storms strategic port or road
>millions starve due to the govt trying to starve out the militia members
>country remains in constant anarchy

There’s no strategic winners or any sort of aim . It’s like watching soccer game that ends with 0-0 score